Our Year of Making Face Shields
In the wake of the pandemic, we created teams in our South Florida community to help with the shortage of PPE in hospitals and clinics. Unable to join the maker movement to create 3D printed masks, we decided to use our fabrication skills to create face shields.
We collaborated with an ICU nurse and respiratory therapist to create a heavy duty reusable face shield that will protect doctors and nurses from exposure to droplets during the intubation process of a patient.

Around June of 2020 we were approached by a family dentist to create a face shield to accommodate long loupes. Dental hygiene is a very important to overall health and thus we decided to dive deeper into the production of custom shields. Our new design is lighter, reusable, has replaceable parts and flippable.
Our tiny shop made over 5,000 faceshields
Donated face shields to 3 Native American Tribes
Donated to organizations in 4 countries
For over a year we have fabricated face shields for first responders, speech therapists and dental hygienists. Our primary mission when we first began was to do our part to flatten the curve of COVID-19. Afterwards we saw the need of specialty face shields for the dental community and though that we could help them as well.
Now the commercial landscape for face shield has expanded and there are hundreds of options available to the dental community that we feel like our mission is accomplished. We are slowing down our production and will cease operations until the last of our materials is used.
We’ve uploaded our design and fabrication files to Instructable in hopes that it will help other makers.
How to Make Our Shields