Hi! A Bit About Us
Nora Pinell-Hernandez, MA
Founding Creative Director
I’m mildly allergic to carrots – but I still love eating them because they remind me of when my mom would buy giant bags of carrots to juice when I was a child. It d. Museums house answers to both the past and future, and to connect to those answers I use the act of play because play is universal and inherently human.was a special concoction she would give my sister and I to improve our vision. Not only do I feel as if carrots are nourishing my eyes which is the primary sense I use to gain knowledge but I also enjoy the tingly sensation in my tongue. For me, carrots symbolize the synergy between physical stimulation and the cultivation of my mind and spirit.
That’s why I created Atomic Carrots – because I want to create opportunities for museum patrons to experience that same sensation of feeling nourished and cultivate interactives in the story resulting in a transformative exhibit in which patrons create strong connections with the concept.
Raul Figueroa
Lead Fabricator
Erika Vargas